Glen Brandon “Ziggy” is a talented singer, rock vocalist, song-writer, musician, and producer. Ziggy has collaborated with some of the best musicians and world renowned music producers in the world. His current projects include three new albums, “Make The Peace,” “Age Of Mess,” and his album, “Speed Of Light.” Read further as we had the chance to do an exclusive interview with Ziggy and check out The Mess Age official music streaming sites below!
Q: Where are you originally from and where are you located now on the map?
Ziggy – A: First, I’d like to send a big hug to everyone listening and reading; it’s very much appreciated.
I’m a cockney from the tough streets of east London, born in a place called “Hackney,” and as a little boy growing up, I used to play on the street corner of my mum and dad’s pub with Kim Appleby, “MEL N KIM, and hang around with Marc Bolan’s cousin, whose name was also Mark. The second part of your question is “I AM EVERYWHERE NOW ON THE MAP VIBRATING IN YOUR EARS,“ as my spirit is immortal through the power of songs.
Q: Ziggy, you are a talented musician! How did you get started in the industry, and who have been some of your musical aspirations?
Ziggy -A: I grew up in two pubs that my mother and father owned. One of the pubs had a stage, where I used to occasionally sing and play drums. Those pubs could get rough at times, but one day on the jukebox in the corner, I heard the unique voice of my hero, for me one of the greatest artists and songwriters upon the planet, “Billy Joel.” For I can relate to him in so many ways growing up, for when he writes songs, like myself, he tells a story, and you not only hear the song, but you can actually see it within your mind’s eye.
I learned to write songs in the same way, as I witnessed the love, laughter, pain, great joy, sorrow, and agony of growing up in such surroundings. When the whole world “people from all walks of life came into the bar, “therefore I like to tell their stories, similar to Billy, but with a slightly different spiritual “END TIMES” edge. (I actually wrote a song for Billy when this year my father sadly passed away, titled “RED PAPER HEARTS.” I hope one day my hero gets to hear it. I can only dream.)
Other Aspirations: Toto, Bowie, Kate Bush, Van Halen, Thin Lizzy, Deep Purple, Fleetwood Mac, Don Henley, and The Eagles.
Q: You are known for having a deep meaning behind your music that translates so well both lyrically and musically. What would you say is the most important part you focus on when creating your next hit?
Ziggy – A: Thats an easy answer: A VERY POWERFULLY RHYMING MEANINGFUL LYRICAL MESS:AGE, CHORUS LINE AND HOOKEY MELODY, something that the whole world can relate to that sticks in ones head. Although not all songs start or are written in the same way, as, for instance, a catchy piano line or guitar hook may come first before any words or pen to paper, or vice versa.
Q: Can you share with us something people may not know about you? Any hobbies or other secret talents you have and or like to do in your spare time?
Ziggy – A: Yeah, ok, “LETS GO FOR IT.” My other hero is Jimmy Dean. I have ALL his films, photos, and many documented books about his sad and so “cruelly cut” shortened life, and again, just like him, I can relate to, as I’ve lived my life in the fast lane like a wild-child, wild and free, for freedom is my middle name, for “i’m a rebel with a cause,” I have absolutely no spare time; “life is way too short for spare time.” As for hobbies, ha ha my hobby is my music. Music is my entire life, I breathe only music, just like that great song written by John Miles, “Music was my first love,“ and it will be my last. The other great artist that springs to mind is Harry Nissen with his masterpiece “WITHOUT YOU “ although not many people know that it was actually written by Pete Ham and Tom Evans of Badfinger.
Q: What are some projects that you’ve just wrapped up recently or that you’re currently working on now?
Ziggy – A: Wow, there are lots firing on all cylinders at once. I’ve just completed a video promo for the latest track, MR W.H.O., that’s taken from the second album entitled “AGE OF MESS,” and I’m now in the process of creating another video for the next song track release entitled “Famous Friend,” which is an E.P / Single taken from the first album entitled “MAKE THE PEACE”, upon this particular track, I’ve collaborated with two great friends of mine and world renown “Awesome musicians,” Paul Gold, “bass player of the legendary rock group “Two Tribes,” and Australia’s Rock God, or should I say Goddess? Transgender guitarist Jaime Page of the rock band Trilogy and Dark Universe. [ the tracks written about a prophecy/prediction of mine that actually came true ]
i’m also currently aiming for this particular release at a very prestigious marketing agency [ not naming names ] for their next Toyota car Advert, as it’s a perfect fit, I’m also currently working in the studio to complete the 3rd album titled “Speed of Light” as well as finishing a fourth Album that has actually already been written, and in the coming months ahead, there will be several new singles and video releases…therefore ”WATCH THIS SPACE”.
Q: What are your official social sites on the web we can follow and official links where fans can purchase your albums?
Ziggy – A: To my beautiful children of the dawn, “words are more powerful than knives.“ Always spread the love … GOD BE WITH YOU…STAY FOREVER FREE.. Ziggy, Rock Vocalist, The Mess:Age
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Song track MR W.H.O is currently being aired on the European indie tv and radio music networks