LIVE LIFE LOVE 30 DAY CHALLENGE  (Exclusively from Daily Beauty and Fashion) 
1. Exercise 40 minutes EVERY DAY! 
2. Meditate 30 minutes EVERY DAY!
3. Indulge ONCE a DAY !
4. No Late Night Meal! 
5. Try 2 different Homemade Facials Each Week !
6. Be brutally honest. Any feelings you have towards one of your peers…just let it out!
7. Text message the person you hate and you like at the same time! 
8. Bike with a friend around town. 
9. Go to the nearest abandoned place with a friend. Take a deep breath and scream!
10. Cry with all your heart
11. Love with all your heart. 
12. Never forget your past, grow from it. 
13. Bring all the ones you love together and have a celebration! 
Have a memorable month!