Paul J. Lucero is a multi-dimensional actor and filmmaker on the rise. Paul has recently released his latest tv-series on Amazon Prime and has a lot more coming in the industry! Read our exclusive interview below with Actor & Filmmaker Paul J. Lucero:
Q: Where are you originally from and where are you based now?

Paul J. Lucero – A: I was born in Seattle, Washington and raised in Albuquerque. I went to college for film in Orlando, Florida, and I’m currently working in film in Albuquerque and sometimes work in Phoenix, Nevada and California.
Q: Paul, you are multi-talented actor and filmmaker rising in the industry, what motivates you and inspires you to be the best at your profession in acting and do you have a top 3 favorite actors, filmmakers or directors that you want to work with in the business?

Paul J. Lucero – A: I’ve always been a motivated person. Even as a kid, I knew I wanted to be successful, but I had no idea I would be in film. My original dream was to invent an item or own a business. I wrote up business plans and patented ideas but never went anywhere with it. In college, I felt like I was doing nothing with my degree. My college advisor recommended film school and from there I became obsessed with becoming a producer. Today I wrote and produced two films on Amazon Prime, and this is only the start. My motivation stems from my constant dedication to improving my life. Life is short and growing up I’ve lost a lot of friends to suicide. Seeing them pass away made me want to work even harder to see a new life before i die. So for the last 10 years, I’ve been working every chance i can get in order to accomplish everything i can in the future.
Ever since I accomplished my goals of producing my own films, I’ve been asked a couple of times who I would like to work with in the future. I have a couple people in mind that are film legends and inspirations to me, but I want to work with the new generation of actors and directors that don’t have a huge name yet. I want to grow and learn with the new talent and help them be the best they can be so we can all shine together. If I can help the new film generation succeed, I’ll feel accomplished.
Q: As an actor, what would you say is your fav genre in roles you play (Drama, Comedy, Action, Thriller, a little bit of all)?

Paul J. Lucero – A: As an actor, I really like playing action roles. I workout everyday and I grew up boxing so Im very athletic and have the “tough look” down! Ive acted as DEA agents, cops, thugs, and fighters. I hope to land more action roles in movies similar to Rambo and Die Hard. A dream of mine is to act as a lead super hero in a film some day.
I also like to act in comedies because it feels lighthearted and really makes you happy after making people laugh.

Q: Can you share with us something people may not know about you? Any hobbies or other secret talents you have and or like to do in your spare time?

Paul J. Lucero – A: My only real hobbies are working out and learning about new foods to eat to stay healthy. I also just bought a house, so most of my spare time goes to renovating the house. I have a lot of friends in construction so sometimes we just hang out, smoke legal weed and fix up my house.
Q: What are some projects that you’ve just wrapped up recently or that you’re currently working on now?

Paul J. Lucero – A: I just wrapped up writing and directing a comedy film, which is currently on Amazon Prime, which led to directing a commercial for the government. These next upcoming months, I have a few acting roles i will be focusing on. One of which I’m particularly excited about because it is a stunt based role.
Q: What are your official social sites on the web we can follow ?

Paul J. Lucero – A:
Our Crazy Family (COMEDY) link:
NINA (DRAMA) link: