Marcus McIntosh is a talented actor in the film industry with a dynamic range in acting. Marcus has had comprehensive acting training and is known for starring in quality film and TV-series! Read below our exclusive Q & A with Marcus McIntosh!
Q: Where are you originally from and where are you located now on the map?

Marcus McIntosh- A: I am from Kansas City, Missouri. Born and raised. Red Kingdom, GO CHIEFS!!!!!
Q: What motivates and inspires you to be the best at your profession as an actress and do you have a top 3 favorite actors, filmmakers or directors that you want to work with in the business?

Marcus McIntosh – A: What motivates me is the challenge to meet the needs of the audience. Without even knowing them and what they need. Being able to change someone’s whole world or bring out raw emotions to make a person feel. That’s my motivation.
Now as for top 3 favorite actors/ actresses, that’s a hard one. There are so many artists I grew up on and would love to have the chance to work with. So, I can’t just limit it to 3. I will give you three males and females. First and foremost, it would be Robin McLaurin Williams. I really admire his talent. Tyler James Williams, I would love to work with him. I really think me and him would be great friends, and Idris Elba, I think he is dope in everything he does.
Now for 3 actresses. Filmmaker and actress Viola Davis, she is extremely talented and underrated as an artist. It would just be a dream come true to play opposite of her as her son. Actress, screenwriter, and producer Melissa McCarthy. I would love to play opposite of her as her best friend in a comedy. Lupita Nyong’o, a very talented woman.
Q: What would you say is your fav genre in roles you play( Drama, Comedy,Action, a little bit of all) ?

Marcus McIntosh – A: I would say a dramatic role is my favorite. Really any role that makes me expand my way of thinking or makes me flex my mental muscles. It’s like a mental workout.

Q: Can you share with us something people may not know about you? Any hobbies or other secret talents you have and or like to do in your spare time?

Marcus McIntosh – A: I have been a certified nursing assistant for the past 19 years. There is a lot of history in our nursing facilities. Ive been blessed to meet some very interesting people.
Q: What are some projects that you’ve just wrapped up recently or that you’re currently working on now?

Marcus McIntosh – A: Currently, I am working on 2 different projects here in Kansas City, MO. Season 2 of Agony and the Ecstasy by Vickie McGill, a dramatic series. I am also starring in Wolf Moon Rising by Todd Sheets, which is a Sci-fi/ Horror feature.

Q: What are your official social sites on the web we can follow ?

Marcus McIntosh- A you can find me on Facebook, Instagram and IMDB. Just type in Marcus McIntosh