Brian Christopher is a Fashion Model currently represented by Sophie Felix of HBM Talent! Brian has an amazing look taking the modeling industry by storm and on the latest news, he’s going to be featured in international fashion mags very soon! Read our exclusive interview below with Professional Model Brian Christopher:
Q: Where are you originally from and where are you located now on the map?

Brian Christopher – A: I’m from Willingboro, New Jersey (South Jersey) born & raised. I moved from New Jersey to Atlanta where I spent about 8 years living. I recently moved to Las Vegas where I am currently working on my career.
Q: Brian, you are a professional model and aspiring actor. What would you say motivates you and inspires you to be the best at your profession?

Brian Christopher – A: What always motivates me is the way I grew up. I was raised by a single mother with an older brother, so life wasn’t always the easiest but my mom always made it happen. I’ve always wanted a good life for my family and that’s what motivates me to go hard to put myself in the position to be there for them. I always want to be the better version of myself because when you are in competition with yourself to become a better version of you and nobody can stand a chance against you. That’s what inspires me.
Q: Who are your top 3 fav fashion brands or designers that you idolize and want to collaborate with in the future?

Brian Christopher – A: This is a tough one just because I’m starting to really pay attention to fashion and have a eye for things. I see a lot of good pieces being put out by so many brands. If I would have to go with my favorite I would have to say Billionaire Boys Club, I love the collaboration they’re doing with Pharrell Williams and the Ice cream exclusives.

Another would have to be Zara, I have a lot of their pieces and the quality is amazing along with the consistency with what they put out is really great.

My last brand I would love to work with is Gucci. I love how creative they are with their pieces, they are starting to do more pieces with colors that stand out and I like that a lot.

Q: Models have to fly all over the world, how do you deal with all the travel and become focused & ready for the next project?

Brian Christopher – A: Honestly, staying in tune with yourself is the biggest thing. I meditate a lot on life & the things that I am pursuing in life. It keeps my drive going but makes me go harder because there is always room to do more and get more accomplished. I also make sure I stay in the gym & work mental and physical health, so when I have upcoming projects I’m not working from behind but I’m ahead of the game.
Q: Can you tell us something people may not know about you? Do you have any secret talents or hobbies you enjoy when you’re not shooting ?

Brian Christopher – A: This is something you don’t hear many people say but in the past 1-2 I’ve been enjoying bowling. I found out I was good at it so I’m always trying to go bowling now. When I’m not shooting I’m doing my research on fashion just looking for new ideas and looks, more importantly staying up to date with the latest fashion.
Q: Can we have a news update on your modeling career and what you’re working on now or what projects have you just wrapped up ?

Brian Christopher – A: Right now, I’m working with my manager Sophie Felix on some projects that will really catch people’s eyes. I have a short film that I’m in that I will be working on along with some really dope shoots for a couple international magazines.
Q: What are your official sites on the web we can follow ?

Brian Christopher – A: You can check me out & follow me on Instagram: @Officialbchristopher Facebook: Brian Christopher Booking & PR: