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EXCLUSIVE: Get To Know Rising Actor Joseph Cohen!

Joseph Cohen is a rising actor most known for his roles in “Yours and Mine,” “Nice Expectations,” and “Resolutions.” . We had the chance to do an interview with Joseph and get some exclusive confirmations on upcoming projects! Read below our exclusive Q & A with Rising Actor Joseph Cohen!

Q: Where are you originally from and where are you located now on the map?

Joseph Cohen – A: I was born in Cardiff, Wales, and I am still based there.

Q: Joseph, what drives your talent and what do you love most about film?

actor joseph cohen

Joseph Cohen – A: As a method actor, I want to achieve the emotional truth behind my character and bring the audience into the world they see on screen. My favorite actor is Marlon Brando and he always encouraged actors to make it as real as they can. What I love most about movies is that they have the ability to affect the way people live, how they see the world. Quite often, with a movie, you are expressing your views and allowing people to make a decision regarding where they stand, and it’s something that can really help people.

Q: Do you have a top 3 favorite actors, filmmakers, or directors you want to work with in the industry?

Joseph Cohen – A: I think the three actors I’d like to work with the most are Denzel Washington (for his emotional depth), Anthony Hopkins (for his deep preparation for his characters) and Meryl Streep (for her versatility). The three directors/filmmakers I’d like to work with are Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg and David Fincher, because I consider them all to be geniuses who have delivered classics. Scorsese for his innovation, Spielberg for exploring the themes of what has been called “ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances” and how they succeed in becoming their hero despite their limitations, and Fincher for his meticulousness.

Q: What would you say is your fav genre in roles you play( Drama, Comedy, Crime, Action, a little bit of all) ?

Joseph Cohen – A: My preference is drama and crime because I love the character work that goes into a lot of those kinds of projects, and I love the exploration into their heads. I don’t mind doing comedy as long as I’m working with the right people as it’s a really hard thing to accomplish, and my kind of comedy is more dry and blunt, sort of similar to Don Rickles.

Q: Can you share with us something people may not know about you? Any hobbies or other secret talents you have and or like to do in your spare time ?

Joseph Cohen – A: I wouldn’t say I have any secret talents because if they were kept secret, it would probably be harder for me to find roles. I do a lot of walking, aiming for at least 10k steps a day. I do a lot of reading, and when I’m not doing research, it’s usually Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia. C. S. Lewis is my favorite author.

Q:  What are some projects that you’ve just wrapped up recently or new projects you’ll be starring in?

Joseph Cohen – A: I did a few short films not too long ago with Ella Muscroft at Loud Voices, Silent Streets. They are “Resolutions,”  “Nice Expectations,” and “Yours or Mine”. I also did a short film called “Roid Steinberg” for Under the Wings Productions and the University of South Wales. LVSS is doing a new series called “High Rise” that I’m a part of, and that is my most recent project. I will be doing a film in America in the next few months, though there is not much I can say about it unfortunately.

Q: What are your official social sites on the web we can follow ?

 Joseph Cohen – A: I have two Instagram accounts: 2josephcohen and josephcohenactor. My Facebook is Joseph Cohen.