Michael Wakefield is an American Actor and former professional football player. Michael is a rising star in the film industry, he currently has some great projects in the works including a new CW series coming in January 2021 and also writing a new book. Read below our exclusive interview with Actor Michael Wakefield:
Q: Where are you originally from and where are you based now?

Michael Wakefield – A: Born in Georgia. Raised in Southeast San Diego as a military child. Currently reside in Texas.
Q: Michael, you are known for your roles in Alita: Battle Angel(2019), It’s Time and One Crazy Christmas(2018) . What do you love most about acting ( auditions, preparation, performing, final premier, all of it) and what would you say really motivates you and inspires you to be the best at your profession?

Michael Wakefield – A: I love the professionalisms, the camaraderie, and the unique planning on how each project was put together to make it all flow. When I prep and perform, I maybe a different character, but I know I can be me when I perform because I was trained by my acting coach to personalize a character to ensure the character can come off as natural. I do these projects with the mindset of wanting to make a difference in the audience life through entertainment.

Q: Do you have a top fav 3 selection of people in the entertainment industry ( filmmakers, producers, directors, actors ) you admire and that you want to work with with in the future ?

Michael Wakefield – A: If I had to choose I would say actors Denzel Washington who is an all time legend, Samual L Jackson who will cuss you at the drop of a hat. I’m a Huge fan of Directors Tyler Perry and Michael Bay’s work. Would be honored to work with them someday as well.

Q: What kind of roles do you usually go for and do you most want to expand upon( drama, comedy, crime, a little bit of all)?

Michael Wakefield – A: I usually try to go for roles that can inspire the audience. Either one way or the other. I love to do a little bit of everything. Showing the versatility of emotions not only makes you valuable as an actor, it also helps you to make an impact on multiple audiences.

Q: Do you have any new or recently finished projects you can share with us?

Michael Wakefield – A: I just finished a couple of commercials over the past couple months. Currently working on a TV show that will be airing on the CW this coming January. More information about that to come after I complete the project.

Q: It seems like you have a love for fitness, but can you tell us something we may not know about you? Any hobbies, passions or other secret talents you have and or like to do in your spare time ?

A: I have a passion for working with kids, young people, and making a positive difference in there lives. I’m an ex-professional football player and I currently coach. On my spare time I love to zip line, sing, and write. I’m currently writing a book on my life’s journey.
Q: What are your official sites on the web we can follow?

Michael Wakefield – A: My personal web page, YouTube Channel, and social media handles is the following:
IMDb: Michael Wakefield ll
YouTube: Mike Wake