Amanda Allen is a professional American Actress and a published author of 2 books available in paperback and kindle. Amanda has worked on a few great film productions and has some great new projects currently in the works! Read our exclusive interview below with Rising Star Actress Amanda Allen:
Q: Where are you originally from and where are you located now on the map?

Amanda Allen – A: I’m originally from Washington D.C.. Currently, I reside in Houston TX.
Q: Amanda, you’ve been apart of some great productions. What motivates you and inspires you to be the best at your profession as an actress and do you have a top 3 favorite actors, filmmakers or directors that you want to work with in the business?

Amanda Allen – A: When someone has an idea or a vision, coupled with creativity and a message that they want conveyed, and they see something in you to portray that vision, that’s an honor and there’s a certain level of respect and trust that exists. I refuse to break that level of trust so I always strive to be the best that I can be, always leaving myself open to being even better and remaining professional the whole way through. While in the business, I would love to work with Angela Bassett, Taraji P. Henson and Lee Daniels.
Q: You have a great look for drama and action! In film, what would you say is your fav genre in roles you play( Drama, Comedy,Action, a little bit of all) ?

Amanda Allen – A: My favorite genre in roles that I play is Drama. The roles can be quite intense and I enjoy challenging myself to reach new levels of emotions to truly portray the character at hand.
Q: Can you share with us something people may not know about you? Any hobbies or other secret talents you have and or like to do in your spare time?

Amanda Allen – A:People may not know that I love to sing and have been in various choruses and choirs for over 30 years, including the Houston Show Choir. I’m also a published author of two books: Proclamation of a Dark Skynned Gyrl: Homey, Lover, Friend and All the Titles in Between and True King and Queens: From Loyalty to Royalty.
Q: What are some projects that you’ve just wrapped up recently or that you’re currently working on now?

Amanda Allen – A:I just wrapped up shooting for a regional commercial and for a spoof of a popular Netflix series that will be out this fall. I have also been cast in two stage plays, Wrath of a Broken Man (November 11th -13th) and See What Had Happened Was (December 5th).
Q: What are your official social sites on the web we can follow ?

Amanda Allen – A:@amanda_aka_mrs_allen on Instagram
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