Rutherine Umali is a multi-dimensional actress and singer. She is known for her music and also has new upcoming films in the works! Read below our exclusive Q & A with Rutherine Umali!
Q: Where are you originally from and where are you based now?

Rutherine Umali – A: I am originally from the Philippines and currently based in Las Vegas, Nevada. I’ve been living in Las Vegas for 22 years now.
Q: As a rising actress and singer, what motivates you and inspires you to be the best at your profession, and do you have a top 3 favorite people in the industry that you want to work with?

Rutherine Umali – A:My team motivates me. My music engineer, my dancers, my choreographers, my co-writers, my music producers, my videographers, my hair and make-up artists, my assistants, and every single person that helped me with every project I put out there. Somehow, I feel like I owe them success for all of the hard work they put in. It’s not even about me anymore. They gain their experience in the industry as I gain mine. We grow together. What inspires me are my nieces. I want to bring success to my family that they can look up to and set standards that will last from generation to generation. Three people I would like to work with are Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, and JLO. I was a huge fan growing up.
Q: What is your fav genre in roles you play (Drama, Comedy, Action, Thriller, a little bit of all)?

Rutherine Umali – A: Action definitely! And a little bit of all. Drama would be a little challenging, but since I love challenges, drama would someday be my mother tongue. I avoid it for now.
Q: How did you get started in music and how would you explain your singing style?

Rutherine Umali – A:I remember joining singing competitions all by myself as young as 6 years old in the Philippines, but they won’t let me. They said I had to have an adult with me. I’d even ask my neighbors to fix my hair and take me to the competition. I didn’t want to ask my parents because I knew they were busy working. I only wanted to sing anyway, so I’d bother my neighbors instead. But of course they’d tell my mom later on. I’d also join singing competitions in school when I get a chance. That’s how I believe I got myself started by having the passion to sing. My brothers and I were in the church choir as young as 4 or 5 years old. The singing style I enjoy is soul, but the album I put out was pop because I like to dance as well. So why not dance to my own song!

Q: Can you share with us something people may not know about you? Any hobbies or other secret talents you have and or like to do in your spare time?

Rutherine Umali – A:I play instruments like the piano, guitar, ukulele, banduria, octavina, and flute. Actually, once you find out where the chords and the notes are on any instrument, you pretty much can play any instrument that you wish to play. Bandurias and octavinas are only found in the Philippines; they’re Philippine instruments. When I went to a Private Christian School in the Philippines, it was mandatory to play an instrument, and I chose those instruments. My skills in instruments grew from there. My hobby is to learn how to cook more vegan recipes and to learn more raw vegan recipes to add to my diet.
Q: What are some projects that you’ve just wrapped up recently or that you’re currently working on now?

Rutherine Umali – A:The movie “The Factory” is almost finished in editing. So hopefully we get to see the finished product this year. I play Q (she’s a cyborg) in that, and I’m also one of the Executive Producers in this movie. I am hoping to produce more this year (2024) and be more involved in movie production. There are plans for singing performances, but not as much of my priority as producing movies. I’m not too sure how long it’s going to take to make my dreams come true of producing big movies and meeting big stars to work with them. But they said dreams do come true if we have the courage to pursue them. So I guess I’d better start pursuing them.
Q: What are your official social sites on the web we can follow ?
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