Aubrey Duncan is a Professional Actor and soon to be Certified Transformational Coach, ACC recognized by the ICF also known as the International Coaching Federation. Aubrey is inspiring others with her talent, drive and passion. She is a rising star in the TV & film industry From booking a Guinness commercial to a new collab with acting networks, Aubrey has some amazing projects lined up! As a professional transformational coach Aubrey Duncan is making an amazing impact on her clients. Aubrey’s motto ‘Unleash Your Power Within, Boldly Be’ is one of the strongest ways a person can go by their life to live at their highest potential. Read our below exclusive interview with Actor & Transformational Coach Aubrey Duncan:
Q: Where are you originally from and where are you located now on the map?

Aubrey Duncan – A: I’m from the island shaped like a fish that’s referred to as Strong Island. Born and raised in Long Island and I’m currently located in LA... and yes, I was a strong kid. My pops showed me how to lift weights at a young age.
Q: Aubrey, you are a professional actor and transformational coach with amazing energy and drive in both professions! What would you say motivates you and inspires you to be the best at your profession?

Aubrey Duncan – A: Ahh thank you!! My dad’s reminders that I’m $XXX away from being able to purchase him his dream Tesla. He’s very pumped about this car haha. My work ethic mainly comes from my parents and family. It means the world to me that they’ve supported my wild idea to leave my Interior Design career to pursue a not so typically promising Acting career.
Q: What made you start transformational coaching and what do you most want to build awareness of?

Aubrey Duncan – A: When I left my Design job I promised myself that I wouldn’t let another job interfere with my acting career. One of the most flexible jobs for artists is hospitality work: serving, bartending, catering, etc. Last year I lost my five jobs (yes, five, what a time!) due to Covid. I had a lot of time to consider what my next moves were. A couple of friends of mine are life coaches and were participants in a year long intensive coaching program called Accomplishment Coaching. I did some research on the program and talked myself into it and out of it multiple times. Before I knew it I was enrolled in a year long intensive program during a pandemic. The week it started I declared my coaching business, Aubrey Duncan Coaching, and started taking on clients.

I lived in survival mode for way too long. As a collegiate athlete, and total perfectionist, I knew one way of doing life very well.. by grinding it out. I believed that my exhaustion was an awesome way of knowing that I was working hard, getting ahead, creating success, and being the best. And you know how that left me? It made me stressed out, unfulfilled, overthinking, and straight up unhappy.
Are you surviving rather than thriving? Create your unique special sauce and make your life tastier! Detach yourself from the disempowering crap that’s not serving you and commit to the life YOU want. You are authentically unique in your original way. Choose your way, create your own vision of success, and empower the life that you desire!
I support individuals to unleash their power within and to Boldly Be.

Q: In the film industry we always see public figures collaborating with one another, do you have a selection of top 3 favorite actors, filmmakers or directors that you admire and want to work with in the business?

Aubrey Duncan – A: Dude I have so many favorites!! My #1 is Hilary Swank. Doing a project with this woman would be a dream. I freaking love Juliette Lewis; I’d love to just shoot the s*&* with her. Michaela Coel PERIOD. I’d love to work with female filmmakers and directors including Greta Gerwig.
Q: Do you have a favorite genre of films when it comes to roles you’d most like to book ( Drama, Comedy ,Action, a little bit of all) and is there something you’d like to expand upon?

Aubrey Duncan – A: Of course I’m here for all the genres and want to dip my toes, arms, and legs into it all. What I’m really drawn to is A24 films. Their projects are so powerful, raw, and real. It’s one of my career goals to act in one of their films. Moonlight, Florida Project, and Ladybird are a few of my favorites. I also love empowered, badass, gritty female characters like Charlize Theron in Mad Max and Rooney Mara in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Q: Share with us something people may not know about you . What hobbies or other secret talents you have and or like to do in your spare time aside from filmmaking ?

Aubrey Duncan – A: I’m an NCAA All-American lacrosse player. I’m currently learning lax stick tricks. Over this past year, I’ve gotten really into makeup and creating bold designs; I’d love to have my own makeup line one day. I tend to have a lot of solo karaoke jam sesh’s in my living room. Adventure is a big part of my life’s purpose, whether it’s saying yes to something I’ve never done before or taking a solo trip to a national park I am here for it! I love redesigning my apartment and creating new food recipes, I love to cook YUM!
Q: Can you share with us any projects that you have in the works or that you’ve wrapped up?

Aubrey Duncan – A:
I’m working on launching a group coaching program for Actors called Greenlight Group Coaching. I am trained as an Ontological Coach which is the study of Being. As Actors, Being is our work. I’m excited to bring the power of a coaching conversation to my acting community. Stay tuned!
Next month I am graduating Accomplishment Coaching, a year long intensive coach training program. Last week I found out that I graded high enough on my final exams to become a Certified Coach recognized by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Upon graduation, I will be a certified ICF coach with the credentials ACC!!
I also recently wrapped on two commercials. One for Guinness and another for Daily Harvest. Shout out to my dope reps who support my success, much love to y’all!

Q: What are your official sites on the web we can follow?

Aubrey Duncan – A: Yes please introduce yourself, let’s get acquainted!
Aubrey Duncan Coaching:
Instagram: @aubreyduncan_