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Exclusive: Get To Know Accredited Actor and Filmmaker Rising in Hollywood George Megrela!

George Megrela is an actor, director, producer and writer primarily known for his roles in An Adventure of a Tiny Man and Gulliver, Hamlet and Ekvtime: Man of God. Rising in the Hollywood film industry,  George is known to impress with his talent, bringing the most authentic acting on set! Read below our exclusive Q & A with George Megrela!

Q: Where are you originally from and where are you based now?

George Megrela  Giorgi Megrelishvili CELEBZ TREASURE ACTOR

George Megrela – A: I am George (Giorgi) Megrelishvili ( nickname : Megrela) and I come from Tbilisi, Georgia. Currently, I reside and am based in Los Angeles.

Q: George, as a talented actor combined with so much experience in filmmaking, what motivates and inspires you to be the best at your profession in acting and do you have a top 3 favorite actors, filmmakers, or directors that you want to work with in the business?

George Megrela – A: What inspires me is the magic moment that an actor creates and makes for the audience. Actors help the audience to forget time and real space for a while and make them fully involved in the plot that is brought to life by them together with a director, camera man and scriptwriter. This is what a cinema and theatre are called. It’s really worth living.

Definitely Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino. Also my dream director who I would work with considerable pleasure is Mel Gibson. I’m dreaming of meeting Mr. Gibson, even if I have time only for an elevator speech. I have a very ambitious project that I’d like to offer to Mr. Gibson. I adore him not only as a director but as an actor too. My project aims at involving him in both roles as a director and an actor.

It’s so difficult to choose only three top-favorite actors /actresses as there are so many talented ones, but I’ll try. As for my favorite actresses, I recognize Meryl Streep’s exceptional talent. I also appreciate Sharon Stone and Emma Watson. Al Pacino, Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio are some of the most outstanding and great actors in Hollywood.

Q: What is your favorite genre in roles you play (Drama, Comedy, Action, Thriller, a little bit of all)?

George Megrela – A: Bernardo Bertolucci’s “1900” is one of my favorite films.  It’s a historical drama. I love drama and action films. Also, I’d like to act in comedies as well, as I think it’s really difficult to make the audience laugh.

Q: Can you share with us something people may not know about you? Any hobbies or other talents you have and or like to do in your spare time?

George Megrela – A: I’m fond of playing football. So, whenever  I have time, I play football with my friends. I’m so proud that the national football team of my country has qualified for EURO2024 for the first time in our country’s history. I hope we will have our desired result. I do a workout in the gym quite regularly. I’m keen on working out. I’ve been addicted to it for over 20 years. I’m facing a very exciting, intensive, and interesting challenge here now. I’ve started going to Mark Wahlberg’s fitness branch, F45. I’ve been following the talented actor’s training tips for a long time. Now, I’m on my 45-day challenge. It’s fabulous. Every day, I start exercising at 6 a.m. I do an intensive workout for 45 minutes non-stop, and then I feel perfect throughout the whole day.Chess is also one of my favorite hobbies.

Q: What are some projects that you’ve just wrapped up recently or that you’re currently working on?

Sal Landi (left) and George Megrela (righ)

George Megrela – A: Currently, I’m preparing the showcase on the stage in Sal Landi’s class.  I also participated in two projects (have shootings for two films) in June. I can’t tell you more about the projects yet,, but it should be mentioned that both roles are interesting and I have to make two complex and different characters from each other. Unfortunately, they aren’t leading roles, but I hope I’ll have this opportunity soon.

Q: What are your official  social sites on the web that we can follow?

George Megrela and Sandro (left) – George Megrela and Al Pacino (right)

My official websites are:


Facebook: George Megrela

Instagram: George Megrela