Lily Vachon is a professional model and influencer. She has been featured in print ads and many run way shows. Lily is repped by HBM Talent. Read our exclusive interview below with Model Lily Vachon:
Q: Where are you originally from and where are you current located now?

Lily Vachon – A: I am originally from Maine! The east coast has always been my home. I was fortunate enough to go to college in Rhode Island, which allowed me to easily travel to New York City and Boston, Massachusetts where I first started my modeling journey.
After I graduated fashion school early, I decided to move to Los Angeles, which is where I reside now. It’s beautiful here and full of opportunities. Anywhere you are in the world is going to have its ups and downs, but I know this is where I am meant to be during this point in my life. I have learned so much on my journey and wouldn’t change it for a thing.
Q: As a professional model, what would you say you love most about modeling and the fashion industry?

Lily Vachon – A: The number one thing? Can I name five? Ah! I really love working in groups of people. Showing up on set and there are makeup artists, production assistants, new photographers, interns etc. When there are new people to connect with and make magic with it feels really good.
When I decided to go to fashion school, people always told me “what career paths does that really entail?” or “are you sure it has enough job opportunities after you graduate” & I was always confident and knew how much was within the fashion industry. I think just the fact that there are so many different types of brands and sectors makes it vast and relatable to each individual.
For example, someone could be passionate about streetwear and someone else can be passionate about couture! It all just really depends on your preference and passions. There truly are so many options and different job titles you can discover to be a part in the industry. Everyone wears clothes. Fashion is universal, you can live ANYWHERE and work in fashion!

Q: Do you have a top 3 selection of fav designers that you admire and want to work with in the business?

Lily Vachon – A: To start, I have admired TZL Femme (designer Aazhia) for a long time. I am currently obsessed with the Avant Apocalypse & futuristic aesthetics in fashion. I feel that the characteristics of her designs promote that style and will definitely turn heads in any room.

Second, Jerry Lorenzo of Fear of God. FOG has been my most favored streetwear brand to date. I could say so much, but the creative direction and overall calmness to the brand really speaks to me. Offering a sub line of Essentials, with a lower price point is very smart to his target audience as well and I admire that. He caters to a lot of different people and you can never go wrong with a FOG outfit. From shoes, to jackets, to sweat-suits, the styles offer simplicity, comfort and quality.

Lastly, Kanye West for his vision, comfort and just the way I overall connect with the style of Yeezy. I can confidently say that every piece from each collection I would wear.
Q: Lily, you have an amazing look for print ads to runway! Being a popular social media personality, you also have fans that are influenced by what you do. What is something that you always do to stay healthy and focused?

Lily Vachon – A:I think the number one priority to health and focus is protecting your mental wellbeing. I want to take this time to talk about social media. With that, I prioritize taking breaks from certain platforms and I also try to be as honest and transparent with my audience. I consider myself a metal health advocate and I share with people my struggles with anxiety. Personally, when my mental health isn’t the strongest it becomes harder for me to work so making sure I feel okay each day is a priority. If one week isn’t going as planned, you accept it, forgive yourself, reflect, take your time and make the next week better. The pressure to always post stories and post everyday isn’t realistic. There are going to be days where you just don’t feel like it. People will tell me I look busy on social media, but I have to be real with them and let them know just because I am releasing work consistently, doesn’t mean there are no lulls in my career.
Growing up my parents regulated my use of technology/social media. I am 25 years old now, and I can say that it is not a huge priority of my life, even though I do take it seriously for my career. I would be able to easily adjust to living without it if anything were to happen, and for that I am grateful. Sometimes I put myself down if I am not as consistent, but then I always come back to the center and trust that a day or two without posting won’t kill me.
It might be challenging to not let the numbers or other peers’ journeys put unnecessary pressures on yourself. I am here to tell you that it doesn’t matter. You’re path and your journey matters. Support your peers, create a feed and follow people that promote positivity and your interests and build your network! Do a clean out every once in a while, if that helps filter out unneeded content you are consuming daily.
I could talk about this topic for hours, but all in all, everyone has their own path where they grow to fill their own definition of success. You have to measure it to your own personal goals, not others’ achievements or numbers. You have to trust, as a creator, that your look, punctuality, portfolio, and overall personality/attitude will speak for itself. The pressures of social media can ruin a lot if you let it so it’s always important to be honest with yourself and what you need.

Q: Share with us something people may not know about you. What hobbies or other secret talents you have and or like to do in your spare time?

Lily Vachon – A: I grew up around sports and in the outdoors, which was a huge part of my lifestyle. I went fishing and took hikes on mile high mountains when I was younger. I played varsity basketball, lacrosse and soccer all throughout high school. Still to this day, I love the outdoors. A goal of mine is actually to do more athletic shoots as well because it has been such a big part of my life, I think it would be important to connect with more of my audience through sports.
An out of the blue activity I love is bowling. It’s like my go to. I honestly want to make it a point to go more often, but I just think its super fun and hands on, will give you a break from your phone and take your mind off of anything.
Q: Do you have any new or recently finished projects?

Lily Vachon – A:Right now, I am super focused on social media brand promotions. I have been working with a lot of streetwear brands to create content and post for them on my personal page. MNML and XXIII (Culture Kings), two established streetwear brands. Another collaboration I am working on is with On the Yard by Terrence “TJ” Jackson, a streetwear brand based in Texas since 2018, just to name a few.

Another recent project, I worked with Pretty Salon (@prettysalonpopup) promoting their hair extensions. I got to work with Diana Putri (dianamputri), an established couture designer, and her son Reinhardt Kenneth (reinhardtkenneth), a high fashion photographer, who directed and shot the content. I am so grateful for these opportunities and know that there are many more to come!

Q: What are your official social sites on the web we can follow?

Lily Vachon – A: My Instagram where you can view all of my modeling work and behind the scenes content is @lilyvachon (
My TikTok is new and currently growing but feel free to check it out @itslilyvachon (
PR and booking: email