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Meet Actor Pablo Esparza and Respected CEO of Esparza Film Productions Inc

Q: Give us some background, where are you originally from and where are you currently now on the map ?


Q: You’re an CEO and founder of Esparaza Film Production. What inspired you to open your own production company?


Q: You have films in production and others projects in development! What would you say you love most about filming and what kind of roles or films by genre ( comedy, action, adventure) are you most drawn to being apart of and why ?


Q: Who are 3 of your top fav filmmakers ( actors or directors) in the industry and that you want to work with in the future ?


Q: What projects do you currently have in the works or what have you finished wrapping up?


Q: What other secret talents or hobbies do you have aside from acting that you enjoy doing in your spare time?


Q: What are your official sites on the web we can follow?
